《 五日穿搭實驗室 x Su 》
5 Outfits With 5 Frames Project
人物介紹 | Su
Hello 我是 Su!今年25歲,在美國讀室內設計之後去英國實習。是因為疫情回台灣後開始接觸到平面模特兒跟電商,現在是在做全職電商,興趣是畫畫跟旅行,喜歡體驗不同的文化想多看看這世界有多大。
Hello, I’m Su! I’m 25 years old. After studying interior design in the U.S., I went to the UK for an internship. Because of the pandemic I returned to Taiwan, that I got into modeling and e-commerce. Now, I work full-time in e-commerce. My interests include painting and traveling. I love experiencing different cultures and want to explore how vast this world is.
Q: Hi Su!上次跟你的聊天中有聽到你在國外求學的故事很特別,可以藉這次機會與讀者們分享你的國外的求學故事嗎?
Q: Hi Su! Remember that you sharing your unique experience of studying abroad during our last conversation. Could you take this opportunity to share your story with our readers?
My family originally decided to send my brother and me abroad for graduate studies, but after I spent a month during the summer of high school studying interior design and art, I became really fond of the culture and academic atmosphere there. As a result, I decided to go abroad earlier to pursue my undergraduate degree. At that time, I was so enamored with the school that I only applied to one—betting on myself to get in! I worked quickly and managed to gather all the necessary application materials within six months. In the end, I successfully got accepted to one of the top ten interior design universities at the time.
The stiff denim fabric itself exudes a fashionable vibe, while the sleek cut of the sleeveless shirt strikes a perfect balance between formal and casual. If you’re unsure about what accessories to pair with denim pieces, an all-black pair of sunglasses is definitely the best choice. However, be careful not to go for a basic, design-less style, as it won’t add any extra flair! Though these sunglasses may seem simple at first glance, their design is packed with thoughtful elements—from the polygonal frame to the semi-rimmed detailing—that elevate the overall quality and sophistication, setting them apart from standard all-black sunglasses.
Q: 那你覺得在國內外生活、讀書的最大差別是什麼,你當初又是如何適應的呢?
Q: What do you think is the biggest difference between living and studying in your home country and abroad, and how did you adapt to it at the time?
Q: 很喜歡Su獨特的個人風格,可以分享自己喜歡、有在關注的博主嗎!並簡單介紹原因
Q: Really love your unique personal style. Could you share some bloggers you like or follow, and briefly explain why?
很喜歡一個香港美國的彩妝部落客 Steph Hui。原先是被他的彩妝影片吸引,她影片中的妝容都是很繽紛的,當時一看到就覺得:喔!好特別。但後來真正喜歡她是因為她的故事,是很努力的一個人!
I really like a Hong Kong-American makeup blogger named Steph Hui. Initially, I was drawn to her makeup videos because the looks she creates are so vibrant and colorful. When I first saw them, I thought, “Wow! This is so unique.” But later, what made me truly like her is her story—she’s such a hardworking person!
要怎麼把T-Shirt穿的時髦? Su 在這套穿搭上為我們做了完美示範:
2.利用稍微搶眼一點的飾品拉高整體造型的完整度,尤其是穿像 T-Shirt 這種簡單的單品時首飾就扮演著很重要的角色,燻紅色漸層的金屬方框墨鏡可以說非常的點題,除了與褲子同色調外更是跟其他飾品相互呼應,讓整體視覺協調又時髦。
How to wear a T-shirt in a stylish way? Su has given us the perfect demonstration with this outfit:
- chooses a mesh fabric to add dimension and layers to the look.
- uses slightly eye-catching accessories to elevate the overall outfit. Especially when wearing a simple piece like a T-shirt, jewelry plays a crucial role. The smoky red gradient metal square sunglasses are a perfect match—they not only complement the color of the pants but also echo the other accessories, creating a visually harmonious and fashionable look.
Q: 有在關注Su的讀者們一定都可以發現到你的穿搭常常混搭各種不同單品,不會僅限一種風格。所以想替讀者們問你平常都是怎麼找到穿搭靈感的?
Q: Readers who follow Su closely must have noticed that her outfits often mix and match different pieces, and you're not limited to just one style. So we'd like to ask you how you usually find inspiration for your outfits?
I don’t think of myself as someone who’s good at fashion, haha! But I really enjoy watching American films! Sometimes I search for inspiration on Pinterest. If I come across an outfit from a brand or model that I really like, I save it as inspiration!
Q: 期望5年後的自己會是怎麼樣的人?
Q: What kind of person do you hope to be in five years?
5年後30歲已經退休,但同時在幫助更多人挖掘他們的優勢,因為有香港團隊 所以每個月都可以飛去不同國家旅行或是帶團隊。
In five years, at 30, I hope to be retired, yet still helping others discover their strengths. With a team in Hong Kong, I’d be traveling to different countries each month or leading my team on various projects.
「巨星感墨鏡」一定要具備的兩個條件就是「夠大」跟「夠貓眼」,這款在兩者都拉到最滿!自帶氣場的貓眼大框墨鏡就算穿再素也能一秒巨星感。Su的這套穿搭混搭了蕾絲小背心與馬甲式黑色上衣,再搭配經典不敗組合:牛仔褲&全白Air Force,90s core 的單肩背包更是把歐美元素點到最滿。這套應該可以給大家當成歐美風穿搭教科書了吧!
This pair of bold cat-eye sunglasses instantly gives you a star-like aura, even if you’re wearing something simple. Su’s outfit mixes a lace camisole with a vest-style black top, paired with the classic and timeless combo: denim jeans and all-white Air Force. The 90s-core single-shoulder bag completes the look, adding a full touch of American street style. This outfit could definitely serve as a textbook example of American fashion!
Q: 覺得這次挑選的眼鏡中哪款最像自己的個性特質?為什麼呢?
Q: Which style of glasses that you selected this time do you think best matches your personality and why?
The one with the white frame and pink lenses! After wearing it a few times, I’ve found that it feels very lively. I’ve always enjoyed looking at things from different perspectives (which is also why I love traveling). The more you know and the more you try, the less you limit your view to a single frame. For me, the pink lenses symbolize seeing the world through different filters, revealing new details along the way!
Q: 能否跟讀者透露自己下一步最想達成的目標嗎?
Q: Could you share with the readers what your next goal is?
At this stage, my main goal is to help more people in my team earn money, and to make the most of my youth by gaining more experiences and pushing myself further!
Q: 真的很喜歡妳具個人特色又百變的穿衣風格,是否可以提供幾個推薦的服裝店家或網站給讀者們嗎?
Q: Really love your unique and versatile fashion style! Could you share a few recommended clothing stores or websites with the readers?
1. Urban Outfitters 2. Squarebear 3. NLEE Collection
For girls who love American style, the arrival of winter can be quite a challenge, as most American-inspired pieces tend to be lightweight and cropped. So how can you still “dress as American style” during the winter? Maybe you can try mixing different fabrics: pairing a structured, sharp leather jacket with a soft wool lining creates a layered effect, adding layers to the outfit. Leaving a few buttons undone also lightens the heaviness of winter clothing. To complete the look, add a pair of aviator-style sunglasses, which subtly echo the cool vibe of the leather jacket, creating a winter look that stands out from the crowd.
Q: 不管是穿衣或是個人氣質都散發出渾然天成的歐美風格,可以給想嘗試歐美風格的讀者們一點駕馭「歐美風」的tips嗎!
Q: Whether it's through clothing or personal aura, you exude a natural, effortless American style. Can you share some tips for readers who want to try mastering the "American style"?
I think the American style is about being natural and authentic. Just be yourself, and maybe get a little tan, haha~
Q: 看到妳跟很多線上品牌進行直播,請問你有什麼未來希望可以合作的品牌嗎?(也可以回答自己喜歡的品牌及原因就好)
Q: We’ve seen you doing live streams with many online brands. Are there any brands you’d like to collaborate with in the future?
In the distant future, I certainly hope to collaborate with more international fashion brands! (Making a wish)
Final Takeaway! Actually the key to American Style is “less is more.” For example, this outfit—just a black tank top paired with leopard print pants—could easily be seen on a lead character in an American Series. The focus is on details, like the little floral design on the tank and the print and cut of the pants. You can effortlessly nail the American girl vibe! This black-and-white split-frame sunglasses are also a major statement; the thick frame already gives off that American girl vibe at 70%, and the eye catchy black-and-white design takes it to a perfect 120%.